1st Illaroo Scout Group Reunion
by Rodney Campbell on Sep.15, 2006, under Life
On the 26th of August 2006 I attended the 30 (31) year reunion and celebration of the formation of the 1st Illaroo Scout Group.
I initially joined the Cub Scouts at around 6 years of age (1st Bomaderry Scout Troop) and soon joined the 1st Illaroo Scout Group when it was first formed. I was an active member of the group for many years – first as a Cub, then a Scout, a Venturer and finally a Rover and it was a real pleasure to meet up with old friends during the day and even more at the dinner in the evening. My parents were also heavily involved with the scouting movement – my mother as part of the ladies auxilliary and my father in various leadership roles.
I hadn’t really been back to the scout hall for perhaps fifteen years and I spent the afternoon pooring over memorabilia and chatting with past scouting friends. My daughters got a real kick out of finding very old photos of me as a kid taken during many of my scouting activities (hiking, camping, abseiling, caving and so on). I was involved with the scouts for perhaps 15 or more years and I have very fond memories of my scouting experiences and think perhaps they were some of the best times of our lives and I have no doubt that my experience with scouts has dramatically shaped my life.
In the photo below – thats me about to walk over the rope suspension bridge (I remember we used to build these sorts of things all the time when we were young).
Some photos from the day.