Rodney Campbell's Blog

2006.09.28 Daily Security Reading

by on Sep.28, 2006, under Security

Fear the Metasploit Framework

The Metasploit Project is one of the most popular penetration testing suites available. If you’re responsible for the security of networked systems, you’ll want to become familiar with Metasploit Framework, so you can test your client PCs before someone with malicious intent does it for you. I’ll walk you through an example exploit of a Windows XP system to show you how effortlessly Metasploit can penetrate remote systems.

Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"

Scrolling through the posts on Microsoft’s official WGA Validation Problems forum is like reading accident reports from a multiple-car pileup on Interstate 5. Many of the victims are completely innocent and have no idea what hit them, and cleaning up the mess can be a nightmare. Even a casual reading of the posts at the WGA Validation Problems forum makes it clear that WGA has serious problems. But Microsoft refuses to share any hard data about WGA installations, making it impossible for independent observers to quantify the extent of the problems. Until now, that is.

The World of BotNets

With a Trojan horse on one compromised computer, you would be able to do whatever you wanted. That computer
would be as good as your own. You would own it. Now imagine that you owned 100,000 such computers, scattered
all over the world, each one running and being looked after in someone’s home, office, or school. Imagine that with just one command, you could tell all of these computers to do whatever you wanted.

Three-year-old buys pink convertible on Internet

This illustrates that although we have not worked out identity too well in the real world, much less the online world, I am fairly sure that this is one issue that may have been detected.

Free Rainbow Tables

We’re proud to announce the official birth of This website is dedicated to offer free rainbow tables (based on rainbowcrack) a complete set of MD5 tables alpha-numeric – lowercase – up to 8
characters is available for free download.

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