Rodney Campbell's Blog

2007.09.24 Daily Security Reading

by on Sep.24, 2007, under Security

SCOUT – Speedy Complete Online URL Test

This page allows you to submit a suspicious URL to our high interaction client honeypot Capture to determine whether the suspicious URL is indeed malicious. The client honeypot, which runs Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6, will make the request to the server and determine whether any unauthorized state changes, such as placing an executable file in the start-up folder, have been made. If these state changes are detected, our client honeypot will classify the URL as malicious.

The (Practically) Ultimate OpenSSH/Keychain Howto

How to generate public/private key pairs and strong passphrases, and how to use the wonderful Keychain utility to automate your SSH logins.

Internet Security Moving Toward ‘White List’

According to Symantec, ‘Internet security is headed toward a major reversal in philosophy, where a ‘white list’ which allows only benevolent programs to run on a computer will replace the current ‘black list’ system’.

Hacker Finds Serious Flaw in Adobe PDF

Security researcher said he would not release code that shows how a PDF attack works until Adobe provided a patch for the problem.

Scrutinizing SIP Payloads – Traversing Attack Vecors in VOIP (pdf)

The objective of this research is to traverse the hidden artifacts of SIP realm to expose the infection oriented vectors.

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