Rodney Campbell's Blog

Solitary Stark…

by on Jul.30, 2011, under Life, Photography

From a recent trip out to the country…

Taken in the Wollombi Valley, NSW – I really loved the way these old burnt, twisted and gnarled trees looked clawing their way into the sky in the exposed windswept farmland.

The first is a very stark monochrome treatment of the image

Solitary Stark

NIKON D7000 + 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 70 mm, 1/80 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100

and for comparison this second is the original image as shot – I made use of a circular polariser at maximum setting to really darken and saturate the clear blue sky

NIKON D7000 + 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 70 mm, 1/80 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100

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