Marmara Manhattan – New York City…
by Rodney Campbell on May.17, 2014, under Life, Photography
We stayed in the The Marmara Manhattan Apartment Hotel whilst in New York, staying in a two bedroom apartment on the south west corner of the building on a relatively high floor (22nd)
The building is on East 94th street on the corner of 2nd avenue which places it in the yorkville/upper east side of Manhattan about 2/3rds of the way up Central Park (about 5 blocks from the park itself). There are a couple of nearby subway stations we used regularly at 96th street and 86th street
The apartment takes up the entire corner of the building so from the outside balcony of the building you get about a 200º view from the east towards the East river and around through the south (downtown) and across to the west towards where Central park would be up the hill
The Marmara is a relatively old building so the apartment and rooms were quite spacious and functional but fairly basic – no modern luxuries here
We did however have a pretty good cityscape view and especially at sunset the view over the city was very nice. Looking down Second Avenue we even get glimpses of the Empire State in the distance
Marmara View
and a very nice sunset on another day looking up 94th street to the west
94th Street Sunset