Flora as Art…
by Rodney Campbell on May.26, 2015, under Life, Photography
I’d been reminding myself to shoot things other than straight grand landscapes. I’m so enamoured by the huge majestic vistas and the wide open views that I sometimes forget to stop and smell the flowers (or flora as it were)…
Sometimes detailed ‘scaping and a more concise view yields interesting results.
As we were exploring the Platypus Waterholes Walk today I saw it as a chance to hone those lesser used skills and shoot some flora as art. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see even a hint of any Platypi but the walk was pleasant enough on this lovely crisp clear day.
I just loved the way the backlight was coming through these green fronds. My shot of the walk I reckon and definitely befitting my flora as art mood…
Note: These images (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger – so click any of the images below to see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer.
I “crafted” another one of these shots by placing this very red leaf on the face of this exposed cut trunk. Whilst it did stand out really well against the silvery tones of the weathered wood it was however just “too flora fake” :).
Rings of Time