Red Dawn…
by Rodney Campbell on Jul.10, 2017, under Life, Photography
Some mornings are just spectacularly amazing – with blazing red skies and perfect cloud structures.
Red Dawn
It’s a very rare occurrence that the weather gods align and you get amazing light, perfect clouds and spectacular colour when you are out landscape shooting. Sunrises especially are teasingly difficult to predict. You’re normally travelling to location in complete darkness and arrive and setup an hour before the sun is to rise. So basically you really have no real idea what it’s going to be like when that golden few minutes arrive when everything is at it’s peak. Or as is much more typical – nothing really happens.
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.
You wish for conditions like these but really I’d say it’s like once in every hundred outings that it’s really what I’d call “Epic”!.
So what is worse is when you wake up one weekday morning and look out the bedroom window only to see THIS!. I mean what a complete waste – why isn’t it like this on the weekend when there’s some chance I’d be out there shooting a sunrise.
Ah well, might as well document the infinite red to prove it actually existed even if it wasn’t put to good use… :(.
Handheld and purposely underexposed to make it more “silhouetty” and pretty much SOOC :)…