The Core
by Rodney Campbell on Aug.09, 2019, under Life, Photography
The Core
One of the pieces of photography kit I invested in before this trip was an equatorial mount (more commonly known as a star tracker)
A star tracker allows photographers use longer focal lengths, smaller apertures and lower ISOs than you’d typically be able to use when shooting the night sky
I have the SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Mini kit
This allowed me to shoot with the 35mm f/1.4 lens at f/2 for 90 second exposures (tracked with the stars) of just a smaller section of the milky way core. This was rather than the typically very short 6 second (NPF rule) exposures I’d normally have to shoot with this lens untracked
In addition to this I also used the Starry Sky Stacker software to stack 17 of these 90 second exposures to reduce overall noise
This image is the end result of that process
I shot the tracked images at ISO 800 (instead of the ISO 12600 I would have had to with a 6 second exposure). Note – as I shot at ISO 800 I don’t really believe there was any noticeable difference between this final stack of 17 frames compared to just one of the original frames