Heading to Karijini
by Rodney Campbell on Sep.19, 2019, under Life, Photography
In the morning it was time to leave Albert Tognolini Lookout and head to one of the most epic photographic locations for landscape photographers
For this trip I had again requested a number of days staying in Karijini National Park (and it’s amazing gorges)
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.
We’d be staying two nights at Dales Campground (at the eastern end of the park), followed by three nights at the Karijini Eco Retreat (at the western end)
At the Dales end we have Dales Gorge, which includes the gorge itself, Fortescue Falls, Fern Pool and at the other end of the gorge Circular Pool
Near the Eco Retreat lies a number of gorges including Joffre Gorge (at the retreat itself), Knox gorge and Weano recreation area with Weano and Hancock gorges
I’d previously visited all the above gorges on a previous trip but this time I also had my drone and I had a few ideas for some images I’d like to take
Inbetween these two locations was an additional gorge I’d never visited before (Kalamina gorge)
Heading to Karijini