Temple Tracks
by Rodney Campbell on Oct.02, 2019, under Life, Photography
OK so here we were a few hundred kilometers from… well… anywhere. In an isolated national park with basically no human created light pollution
Whilst this would normally be ideal for some astro photography… unfortunately the moon phase was certainly not ideal. It was just before the first quarter moon and it was already up well before sunset 🙂
Temple Tracks
My only real option was to essentially include it in the frame and deal with it. We also had a nice red dirt track through the ironstones all over the ground
The upside was I get a nice moonlit landscape so I don’t have to do any light painting myself. The downside I have to shoot at around ISO 800 to 3200 instead of something like ISO 6400. Actually I bracketed each frame at ISO 800, 1600 and 3200 so I’d have frames to work with in post… and… well… the moon also blows out in the frame… and if you’re not careful you get horrendous flare