The Cobbled Road
by Rodney Campbell on Oct.15, 2019, under Life, Photography
We were leaving the Kennedy Range today and heading back to Carnarvon for a couple of days
We’d originally intended on staying at Gascoyne Junction for the night, but, well, there’s basically nothing there 🙁
Temple Gorge Campground
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.
On the way out we stopped at this historic cobbled road that we had seen when we were driving in here a few days ago
Cobbled roads were used all around the Gascoyne Junction area and were built by men with pick and shovel during the Great Depression years of the 1930s
A work for the dole scheme funded the upgrades to the original roads that were often impassable after rain. The road was cobbled over the boggy sections to allow the mail run to get through
Cobbled Road
From the air you get a better view of the old cobbled road heading off into the distance