Rodney Campbell's Blog

Speed @ Wells Kinzie Bend

by on Dec.04, 2019, under Life, Photography

Well here I was again back at the Wells Kinzie Garage top floor, this time at night

With this fantastic view over the S-curve of the elevated train line it was time for some night time long exposures with city lights and train movement through the frame



NIKON Z 7 + NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S @ 24 mm, 6 sec at f/8, ISO 64 x 5 Frames

You needed at least 30 second exposures to have the complete light trail of the train passing through the frame

I did try some at 30 seconds – however it required shooting at ISO 32 and f/11 to f/13 which wasn’t ideal. An you’re left with just the light trails with no evidence of the train itself

Instead with this image I’ve shot continuous six (6) second exposures whilst the train passed through. Then merged the five (5) frames into one final image

For the next image I wanted the train to be much more visible. So I’ve shot much faster exposures to reveal the train itself. Once the eight (8) frames are merged, it’s more a blur of the train itself rather than the streak of the lights

Wells Kinzie View

Wells Kinzie View

NIKON Z 7 + NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S @ 24 mm, 1/4 sec at f/5.6, ISO 800 x 8 Frames

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