by Rodney Campbell on Nov.19, 2021, under Photography
In preparation for sunset I wanted to move down to the waters edge and shoot across the shards of rock across to this glass shard sticking up into the sky
Unfortunately the scale of the construction works occurring here precludes a lot of what I had intended on shooting. That and the fact that sunset was turning out to be less than hoped. We’d lost all the high and mid cloud overhead and just had too much low cloud out to the west killing all chance of some colour
Still I was here so… I’d walked to the end of the fenceline that extended right along the path which surrounds the Barangaroo reserve parklands. Then “accidentally” worked my way around the end so I could access the rocks and water
This one taken a few minutes after sunset. With the Kase Filters 6 Stop (ND64) ND Filter (to drag out the shutter to a few minutes to flatten the water). Along with a 3 Stop (0.9) Soft Grad (to hold down the sky) and the CPL (to see through the water to the stones below)