Light House
by Rodney Campbell on Sep.07, 2022, under Photography
Light House
Was pretty happy with how this one turned out. Light painting the heck out of the ruined Light House at Cape St George
In the sky I’ve blended in the static milky way frame with the star trails from the long exposure light painting
My LED umbrella orb was a little hair raising for this. It turned out really well but at the time I thought I might slip off in the dark. I’d climbed up there with the lights on so I could see. But once we’re doing the exposure all ambient lights are off so it’s basically dark. Gerry’s helpful comments about the archway I’m standing on possibly collapsing didn’t actually help :). Anyway it was somewhat disconcerting waving the umbrella around vigorously for 10 minutes on a dark precipice
The foreground was done with “copious” amounts of EL wire work by both of us. I was running with red, blue and green strands. Gerry with the same plus a lighter almost white strand. Thankfully the EL wire puts off just enough light to see. Since you’re stumbling around across an area of strewn jagged boulders :). Ideal location for some bone breakages one might say…