Archive for June, 2023
Thunder Creek
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.23, 2023, under Photography
Comments Off on Thunder Creek more...not Dorothy Falls
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.22, 2023, under Photography
Comments Off on not Dorothy Falls more...Mysterious Blue
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.21, 2023, under Photography
Mysterious Blue
Another full 360˚ panorama taken at the absolutely amazing Hokitika gorge in New Zealand
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.
A Different Speed
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.20, 2023, under Photography
A Different Speed
Same composition – different “look”. Simply by adjusting the exposure settings to result in a different shutter speed
You can see that the longer 8 second exposure results in a much smoother more whispy look to the flowing water. The shorter 1/5 second results in a much more stringy textured look. If I took this to the extreme and went for a very fast shutter speed you’d end up with a more frozen look to the water. More extreme in the other direction with a many tens of seconds to minutes exposure could result in an even softer misty look
This is definitely something to think about when shooting moving water (or moving clouds). Considering your shutter will impact the look and feel of your resultant image. There’s no “one speed” to use – it’s dependant on how fast the water or clouds are moving and in what direction relative to the lens and so on
Note: the adjustment of the other parameters of the exposure triangle (Aperture and ISO) to compensate for the shutter speed you’ve chosen also has other impacts on your image (e.g. depth of field and noise)
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.
The Web
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.19, 2023, under Photography
The Web
A little further downstream from Weeping Rock are these lovely sequence of smaller cascades. It’s a beautiful spot. Probably even good for a swim… and the circular eddies are excellent for bringing your items (like an umbrella) back to you… just sayin’…
However one upside if your feet are already saturated there’s less concern about walking out into the flow a little to get a better angle on the river
Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.