Rodney Campbell's Blog


by on May.29, 2024, under Photography


NIKON Z 7 + NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S @ 39 mm, 1/60 sec at f/8, ISO 64

Alas our luck with the rain ran out during our stay at Lake Como. It started raining around 8PM the previous evening and continued throughout the whole next day

Louise and I took the ferry across the lake to the village of Bellagio – we figured we could wander the tight streets and just wander in and out of the stores there. Perhaps everyone else figured the same thing as the place was pretty busy

This town is the main tourist hub in the central part of the lake. All the tourist shops, high end fashion and so on are here

This is the “famous” instagram shot in Bellagio so figured I’d repeat … we also ate lunch in the Trattoria San Giacomo that is on the steps just to the right of this image. The place came highly recommended and the food was good

We were getting sick of the rain so we grabbed a ferry back to Varenna – one last shot of old Varenna as we came in on the ferry

Varenna from Ferry

Varenna from Ferry

NIKON Z 7 + NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S @ 24 mm, 1/100 sec at f/5.6, ISO 64

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