Rodney Campbell's Blog

Sarakiniko Wide

by on Jun.08, 2024, under Photography

Sarakiniko Wide

Sarakiniko Wide

DJI Mini 3 Pro FC3582 + 6.7 mm f/1.7 @ 6.72 mm, 1/80 sec at f/1.7, ISO 100 x 21 Frames

Once the tourists, instagramers and early morning sunrise watchers started arriving a bit before sunrise it was time to take to the skies and see what the place looked like from above

The actual area of Sarakiniko extends quite a bit to the left and right but most people who visit stay in the areas around that channel of water in the middle and the bits of windswept volcanic rock to the left and right (especially the part on the right where many of the “classic” social media shots of Sarakiniko are taken)

I had some specific shots in mind (which I’ll cover in the next post)



DJI Mini 3 Pro FC3582 + 6.7 mm f/1.7 @ 6.72 mm, 1/120 sec at f/1.7, ISO 130

Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger. To see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer click any of the images.

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